Who are Introverts ?

1. Introverts are not socially awkward, they are selective. They don’t care about who you are or what you do. Labels, nameplates, status, and designations mean shit to them. They only care about What you know, What you can teach them, and how you can help each other grow.

2. When introverts say ‘I’m doing nothing’. They are not free. Nothing is something that they do. It’s their favorite thing and they can do it for hours. That’s what refuels them. Heals them. Helps them to make sense of everything. But you won’t get it.

3. Mindful nothing is by far better than mindless something. In fact, a moment of true stillness can give you an insight so deep, that could literally transform your whole life experience. And introverts know that.

4. Introverts ignore a lot of shit because they hate drama. Why even argue? It doesn’t help them to grow. It does nothing but create more stress. No cheap ego highs. They just want peace. But let me make one thing clear- they fear nothing.

5. An introvert will never come to you if you reject him. Even if they come back you don’t get the same person twice. The second version comes with zero emotions. You can’t make him fool twice.

6. Introverts are not boring. You just don’t know them well enough. They know everything, deep and wide. They’re encyclopedias wrapped in human skin. If they like you, trust me, they would be down for anything, meditation, trekking, gym, art show, bungee, exorcism. Just text first.

7. Introverts don’t talk. They observe. Your energy, mood, words. They pay attention if it interests them, They have zero patience for small talks or surface-level conversations. They don’t want to be impressed, they want to learn. Experience and grow.

8. Don’t lie to introverts. There is no reason. They’re too understanding, too caring. They get everything. They know shit happens and trust me you can’t hide it either. They are too observant. They’ll find out. So just be straight up with them.

How introverts show their love: When they-
1. Instant reply
2. Leaving their house for you
3. Picking up your calls
4. Engaging with your small talks
5. Listening to your music

9. When an introvert cares, he will do everything for you. He will help you even if he’s struggling. Even when they’re in pain. That does not help. That’s love. That’s devotion. That’s how they show how much they care.

10. Introverts can feel your intentions as soon as you start talking. You can’t hide it. You can’t fake it. And you can never fool them. They may not say a thing. They may even play along just to see how far you can go. But trust me, You can’t get away with it.

11. An introvert will never leave you for someone else. They leave only for their peace. Their sanity. When they can’t trust you anymore. It takes a long time for them to open up. To be vulnerable. To let you in their heart. But if you ever break their trust, they’ll leave you cold.

12. If you break an introvert’s trust, you will never get the same attention again. Ever. When they give, they give everything. Mind, body, heart, soul, Money. They’ll make you feel like the most special person in the world. But once they’re done. It’s over.

13. Introverts hate small talk. It kills them. Teach them something. Tell them about your life experience, your lessons, your purpose, and your secrets. Discuss psychology, philosophy, and spiritual journey. Give them depth and authenticity. That’s the talk they crave.

14. Introverts are mirrors. They reflect the energy that you give them. They’re actively reading the room all the times. They can pick up on moods, emotions, and energy. Nothing gets past them.

15. Introverts are very private people. Anything they put out to share is calculated. That’s why introverts find it funny when people say they know something about them. Nope. Not a chance. Trust me. You know nothing.

16. Introverts are the most authentic, genuine, empathetic, loving, caring and intelligent people I’ve ever met. And nothing can ever change that. Thinkers rule.

17. Introverts like being alone. They know this world is fake and shallow inside out. Introverts have control over their own space. Your presence has to be better than their solitude.

18. Once an introvert stops liking you, they can’t ever like you again, No matter how much you try. Once they’re done, they’re done. That’s why it takes a lot to walk away. Because once they’re fed up, their feelings, their soft spot and everything follows.

19. Introverts refuel by doing nothing. Quiet mornings, lazy afternoons, and cozy evenings. That’s their perfect day. They want no people. No drama. No chit-chat. They just want to vibe alone. And quietly stare at the walls. Thinking about everything. That’s all.

20. Introverts are low-key people. They love solitude, thinking, observing, and learning. They’re never bored alone, but people drain them. Empty them. That’s why they gotta get away. To breathe. To feel. To understand. To connect with their own soul. All alone.

21. Introverts don’t take revenge. It hurts a lot. They’re too soft-hearted. When they trust you, they trust you. They hold nothing back. Loving you. caring for you. They are all heart and soul. And if you ever break their heart, trust me they will not take revenge. They will just forget you and will go quietly.

22. Introverts don’t want grand gestures of love, they care more about the little things, Things that show effort. Anyone can take you to a fancy restaurant. But only a few can handwrite a letter and gift them with your favorite flavor of ice cream.

23. Introverts are attracted to intelligence. The way you think. Your ideas. Your depth. Your mindset. Your ideology. And the things you keep locked up inside. They don’t talk. They vibe. And the weirder you are, the better it is.

24. Sometimes, the greatest pain for an introvert is unexpressed potential. They know things, Deep and wide. They read, observe, learn and reflect. But they keep it all inside. Locked up. Hidden away. Waiting for someone to discover who they are. Patiently. Alone.

25. Once something catches an introvert’s curiosity, they go after it hard. They are not anti-social, they need alone time and space to discover, read and understand something.

26. Introverts don’t hate people, they’re just a little bit picky. They stay away from people who are just me, me, me. People who take but never give. Never reciprocate. Needy. Selfish. Entitled. They just want peace and good vibes. No stress. No conflict. No egos.

27. Introverts talk and they talk a lot. But only when they have something meaningful to say. They have no interest in impressing people. Winning approvals or seeking validations. They don’t want to show off, they want to add depth to the conversation. Explore. Enlighten and grow.

28. Introverts don’t fit. Most people don’t understand them. For some, they’re just too much. For some, just not enough. They live a quiet private life. Mostly alone, Observing, thinking, learning. they may be quiet and distant, but trust me, they are real. As real as they seems.

29. Introverts love adventures, but they like them planned. They like to think things out first . Get mentally ready. Map it out. Analyse the pros and cons. The consequences. The worse case scenarios. Don;t call at 2 am and say wanna hang out. No thankyou, bro. I am good.

30. When introverts love, they love hard. They’ll make you feel special. Loved. Cared for. They’ll remember every little thing about you. From food to flowers to your favourite movie. But if you ever break their heart, they’ll leave you cold. No questions. No arguments. Just silence.

31. Introverts are sensitive but they are not stupid. They can read patterns & behaviours like a book. They are not just listening to your words, they’re reading your intentions, your desires, and your whole energy. Your sugar-coated words can’t fool them. So cut the crap and be real.

32. Life for introverts is an eternal quest for meaning, understanding the nature of things. Questionning why things are the way they are. The cause & effects. The underlying principles that run the universe. And it’s not a mere hobby or an interest, it’s what quenches their soul.

33. When something catches an introvert’s curiosity, they disappear for days. Sometimes even for weeks, Feasting on ideas. Making observations and associations. Sensing patterns. Redefining old ways. It’s like a new world. New way to experience life. Like rebirth And it’s beautiful.

34. Introverts love solitude. Being with their own thoughts. They don’t “need” people. They prefer studying them from a distance. They derive pleasure from observation, not indulgence. Learning behaviors, patterns, reactions. Expanding their consciousness. That’s their happiness.

35. Introverts are not quiet, they just prefer peace over everything else. Soul-less conversations drain the heck out of them. Talking about the weather??? I mean, seriously, what’s the point. Ask them about life, out of body meditation, banned books. Now you have their attention.

36. Introverts have a close group of friends like 2 people. That’s all they need. They don’t like to go out much or talking. They’re happy staying in. Chilling, reading and all. Enjoying shits they like. They don’t care what happening in the world. Their mind is their world.

37. Introverts are intelligent and charming and have deep personalities. But they need time to open up. And if you’re on a job interview, your first date, or delivering a sales pitch, time can be a problem.

38. After socializing , introverts need to be alone. Like for a really long time. Until they’re done with all the self-analysis. What they did, what they said, and why they said it. That’s how they understand life. It may sound crazy to you, but trust me, that’s what keeps them sane.

39. Introverts don’t need a lot of stimulation. They prefer the little things. Going out for a walk, making a cup of tea, buying groceries, watching an artsy movie, looking out the window, music in the background, birds chirping. Nothing loud. Nothing fancy. Just low-key shit. Alone.

40. Introverts don’t get bored. Yes, They may get a little low sometimes, Sad. Angry at random shit. May spend a couple of hours on the same spot wondering what life’s all about. Staring at their own hands thinking who the hell am I. But bored? Nah, Never.

41. Inroverts like loud music, but only in their headphones. Anything loud outside drives them nuts. People , parties, parades, It’s just too much stimulations. 30 minutes, That’s it. Can’t take no more. Then they’re off to the jungles. Vibing with the crickets to heal their soul.

42. Introvert’s humour hits different. It’s not your average stand-up comedy kind of joke, It’s deep, It’s dark. it’s like honey collected from a million thoughts. And when it hits, it hits hard. It makes you think, question, contemplate. But it’s okay if you don’t get it. Most people don’t.

43. Introverts are not rude, they just avoid shit that triggers their mental health. They’re kind, caring, and giving, but they’re also very picky. They stay away from anything or anybody that lowers their vibe. but if they like you, they’ll make you feel one in a million. Promise.

44. Once an introvert is done, it’s done, Over. Finished. No begging, No chasing, no crying can bring them back. They’re done with observing, analysing, contemplating. Reflecting on the past & Future. Drawing the pros and cons. Psychoanalysing and all. They tried, its over. Go home.

45. Introverts avoid arguments because most people can’t handle the truth. Their observation is spot on. Factual. And can sometimes scare the shit out of you. And it can bruise some people’s ego. Create conflict. And get them inot trouble. So, they just smile and say ‘you are right’.

46. Introverts process information 10x faster than other people. Their mind’s like a sponge. Absorbing every little gesture, body language, and emotions. They read people like a book. And it only takes them seconds. But sometimes, it can get too much. That’s why they have to get away.

47. Introverts can smell a lie from a mile. They just know it. They’re kind of psychic that way. Naturallly, They may stay quiet, but trust me, they notice everythin, your energy, your tone, your body, and that nervous scratch on the eyebrow so they know everthing. So you can’t get away. Surrender.

48. The best thing about introverts is that they reciprocate. I mean, no matter what, they’ll do everything they can to give you back more. More than you can imagine. More than you expected. more than your wildest dreams. But, you gotta win their heart.

49. Introverts like things that have depth. A sense of meaning. Things taht feed their curiosity. Mysterious. Mystical. Magical. Not what’s tredy. But something that can speak to their soul. That shit hits different.

50. Introverts want company just like extroverts do, but only with a few. People they know. People they trust. People who vibe right. People who don’t get awkward in silence. People who are into deep kinda things. people who understand when to leave. And preferably just one people.

51. All introverts want someone they can open their heart to. Be vulnerable. connect on a soul level without filters. Without fear of judgement. Without having to pretend who they’re not. That’s all.

52. Introverts are chill people. Peace, love, and good vibes. That’s all they need. No crowds, no validation, no attention. If it flows, it flows. No hard feelings, no stress, no conflict. 2 people, good food, good music, and a whole lotta deep conversations. That’s all they want.

53. Introverts don’t argue, they go silent. They understand, they forgive, they give you chances after chances. But once they’re done, it’s over. They won’t ask you for an explanation. They won’t tell you their reasons. And they absolutely won’t chase you. Take it or leave it.

54. Introverts don’t believe in surface level knowledge. They don’t just research, they go totally gee. They search until they can search no more. Videos, films, books, documentaries, And the deepest darkest rabbit holes. Your facts come from news & podcasts, they start with 36 chrome tabs. We’re not the same.

55. Introverts don’t lack social skills, they’re just not interested. They like to talk, but not with everyone. They like to connect and vibe and let go and unwind. But they need the right mood, the right place, the right vibe, the right person. Then, they talk.

56. Introverts don’t just listen to your words, they listen to your whole body. What your hands are saying, what your eyes are saying, what rising and falling of your eyebrows are saying. They’re real time lies detectors. Remember when you lied & thought you got away, no you didn’t.

57. Introvets drain too fast. That’s why they don’t connect with everybody. they want to but they need time. To observe. To assess. To trust. To dive deep and connect right. They’re not closed off, they just want someone that matters. That feels true to their soul. That’s all.

58. Introverts are the most confident people you’ll ever meet. They know the moves, the eyes, body language, psychology. When to talk, when to pause. And trust me, they know what they are doing. Everything is planned upt ot the very last detail. And when it’s showtime, they deliver.

59. Introverts are cool & charismatic. They don’t flex it, but you know when you see one. The quiet guy in the gym. The beautiful girl reading on a park bench. They move different. With an air of mystery around them. It’s not the talk or the walk.

60. Introverts don’t talk because they don’t want to. Why don’t you get it. They talk when they have something to say. When something interests them. When something moves their soul. Not for attention. Or validation. They don’t care for that shit. But you still won’t get it.

61. Don’t try to outsmart introverts. They’re kind, But not stupid. They don’t argue because they don’t want any conflict. Their silence is a sign of protecting their peace not defeat. They can read you like a book. Psychoanaluse the shit out of you. And you think you can win. LOL.

62. If you ever hurt an introvert, they don’t revenge, they just slowly drift away. Seen texts, unanswered calls, dropped plans. They don’t want conflict, stress, or anxiety. They don’t want to lose their peace. And they don’t want to hurt you. So they just disappear. Quietly.

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